PRG Logo Portishead Railway Group

Final Results of Winter 2013/ Spring 2014 Survey

We conducted a survey via and the final results are given below. Since we used the free version, public access to the results directly is not possible. So results have been taken from Polldaddy and summarised below.

Final results as of 24 June 2014:

Q1. Do you support re-opening of the Portishead to Bristol line?

Yes: 96% No: 4%

Q2. How often would you use the line?

Daily:   25 %

Weekly:  32 %

Occasionally: 36 %

Never:   6 %

Q3. Where do you live?

Portishead:  74 %

Bristol:  8 %

Pill:  3 %

Clevedon: 2 %

Elsewhere in UK:  13 %

Non-UK:  0 %

Number of responses: 309

Thank you for taking part.